Sunday, March 10, 2013

My 5K Run

Yesterday I ran a 5K that a local charity was putting on.  It was fun though quite tough.  I literally have not run for years and years, it would have been a good idea to prepare some for it but I went ahead with it.  I decided to just go do it as a way of assessing my current physical fitness.  I knew I could walk 3 miles no problem, but I ended up running more than half of it, I would run and walk and run and walk...I did not do as well as I hoped but now I have a baseline to beat one day.

Physical fitness is an important aspect of living a provident life, keeping yourself fit and healthy is important as well as eating properly.  As of late I have been working on improving my overall fitness, not really working to loose weight or meet any specific result, just improve my overall state.   I have been working on getting more variety of exercise and hand labor, while working to eat far better.

My efforts in my fitness has more to do with being overall more fit.  I don't want to be able to run a marathon but unable to dig swales all day.  I am working for a more well rounded state while getting rid of my currently round state. 

I plan to run a 5k once a year or so as a way of measuring my fitness level.  I now have a baseline on how long it took to run yesterday's race.   I expect that as I further improve my health I will be able to run it straight without stopping.  I may run on occasion but you won't catch me out running everyday. 

I would rather get exercise that actually accomplishes something.  Shaun-ta' and I have been working on expanding our garden into the field behind us.  We have been digging swales on contour with wood buried under them which helps to hold water an increases the biological activity.  This is hard physical labor, but the time and energy expended produces something, running on a treadmill does not.        

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, good for you, son! way to go!